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music lists
Posted by KarenaMurphy
11/1/2015  11:24:00 PM
wondering how to access the music lists I have found on this website in the past.
thank you
Re: music lists
Posted by Administrator
11/4/2015  11:22:00 AM
Hi Karena,

Thank you for your interest.

I regret to say that we have officially closed the doors to our music store. The dance music and instructional video industry has transformed over the last 10 years, and the sales of physical CDs and DVDs has slowed to a trickle. So we've packed up our stuff and moved on to other things.

The video business is now about streaming directly from the internet. Luckily we've been planning for it all along, and it is the primary focus of BallroomDancers.com.

Music is now delivered primarily to people's computers and mobile devices, although it is split between streaming services such as Pandora and Spotify, and services such as iTunes and Amazon that let you purchase and download individual songs to own. The ballroom industry as a whole has generally embraced the latter, but it's still possible to create playlists on Spotify with a limited list of modern/pop tunes that work for ballroom. We aren't planning on following either of those paths, but we do hope to transform the music section of our website into a referral service. Or I should say rather, we will be returning to our roots as a referral service, since that's how our music section began in the early days before we started selling CDs ourselves.

The referral service will start as a list of songs in each dance style that you can purchase from other companies such as iTunes and Amazon. We also hope to include the libraries of some of the companies whose physical CDs we had previously sold, such as Casa Musica and WRD. Eventually, we'd also like to expand it to include a social media slant, with users providing suggestions to other users, etc.

This, of course, will all take time to develop. So to get your music fix in the meantime, I would refer you directly to the two companies who provided the majority of our merchandise:

WRD Music http://www.wrdmusic.com
Casa Musica http://www.casa-musica.de

Both WRD and Casa Musica sell their music on CDs. Casa Musica also provides an mp3 download option for certain tracks.

Thanks again for inquiring!

Jonathan Atkinson

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